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What is a Slot?

A slot (also spelled slit) is a narrow opening into which something else can be fitted. The term is commonly used in reference to a slot machine, but can also refer to any narrow opening in a piece of equipment that allows something to be fitted therein: a slit in an engine to allow air to flow over the propeller blades. The narrow opening between the primary and secondary feathers of certain birds is also a slot, as is the notch at the end of an ice hockey stick that affords a player a vantage point over an opponent.

While some people pump money into two or more machines at once, in a crowded casino it is wise to limit yourself to one machine that you can easily watch over. Otherwise you may find yourself playing a machine that has not paid off for a long time, only to see the other machines in your row suddenly pay off – which could be a rude awakening!

Most online slots have a pay table that details what you can win by landing specific symbols on a specific pay line. It is a good idea to read this before you start spinning, as it will give you an understanding of what the game is all about. The pay table will also include the RTP – which is the theoretical percentage that a slot will payout over a long period of time – and other rules, such as Scatter and Bonus symbols, which can trigger mini bonus games with a different set of reels and pay lines.